How to Prevent Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Naturally

When the blood pressure of a person exceeds 140/90 mm Hg, then the person is said to be suffering from high blood pressure (BP) or hypertension (HTN). The condition is considered a silent killer because symptoms are not manifested until the damaging of certain critical organs happens.

How to Diagnose?

During the diagnosis, blood pressure is measured with a sphygmomanometer. It is a routine part of the physical examination that is recorded on a patient’s visit – just like pulse rate, breathing rate, temperature, and weight. Physical examination includes listening to the heart and lungs, feeling the pulse rate in the wrist and ankles, and feeling and listening to the abdomen looking for a sign of an enlarged aorta. During diagnosis, it is vital for truthful medical history to be given to the health care practitioner.

Most Common Causes

measuring-blood-pressureIn a big percentage of the people, the exact cause is not known. But there are certain risk factors that can contribute to this. Age is one of the contributing factors. People at advanced age are at the highest risk of developing hypertension. This is due to the hardening of the heart. Alcohol consumption tends to raise blood pressure in those who are sensitive to alcohol. Other risk factors include sodium sensitivity, uncontrollable use of oral contraceptives, lack of physical exercise, obesity, etc.

Preventing Hypertension Naturally

High blood pressure may be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle. Eating low-fat diet reduces the chances of developing this problem. Regular physical exercise reduces the level of fat in the body thus curbing the development of hypertension. Other preventative measures include

  • decreasing sodium intake
  • avoiding being overweight or obese
  • stopping smoking
  • getting routine health checkup and blood pressure screening
  • avoiding stress by relaxing your mind

Weight control is one of the best lifestyle modifications to manage BP. In order to lose weight you must burn more calories than you take. Even if the level of exercise might seem to be inadequate, it should not be looked down upon since even little weight loss can bring a significant benefit as far as reducing the development of hypertension is concerned.

What if Left Untreated?

When this health problem is not controlled in time, it can be a life threatening issue. It damages blood vessels as well as the body nerves. Due to damaging of blood vessels, internal bleeding may occur which might cause a sudden death. High BP overworks the heart muscles and arteries resulting in heart attack and hardening of the arteries. It can also lead to kidney failure and other major complications. Extensive medication is often recommended for any kind of high blood pressure.

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