It is important to understand how serious Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) can be when you are spending long hours in front of computer. With little precaution while working in the office or at home, you can keep RSI at bay. So, here are some useful tips to help you prevent repetitive strain (or stress) injury while using a computer.
1. Know what RSI really is
Generally, a good understanding about Repetitive Strain Injury is essential, as you get started on treatment. First of all, you should have a clear picture in your mind on the kind of influence that RSI can have on you. Therefore, it will be better if you can gather as many information as possible, as you go on channeling your doctor. Here, the doctor is referred to as occupational therapists, physiatrists, surgeons, physical therapists and alternative medicine practitioners, who are involved with diagnosis and therapy of RSI.
2. Identify ways to alleviate RSI
Well, there are simple measures that can have a better influence towards the alleviation of your injury. When you are taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills, make sure that you rest even if it’s a great work, which you are dealing with. Although this could be a quick solution, this doesn’t guarantee that you are OK, after having taken the pills. Plus there are reportedly many occasions where the aftermaths had been bad, despite the digestion of the pills and feelings without pain. So, the best solution will be to rush for your doctor, when possible even though you had pills during the working time.
3. Pay close attention to your computer details
You should pay attention, when dealing with your PC and the hardware that you use. Your keyboard and mouse should be more user-friendly and easy to use. You can purchase them in PC hardware stores and you should be very careful to choose the physical parameters such that they fit your requirements. For example, the color of your keyboard should appeal to you. It could generally be either black or white. The mouse could be an optical mouse in addition. When you are working with the PC, you can minimize the stress and agony, if you can switch to speech recognition software. This software is available to be downloaded and as soon as you install it, you can train the software to recognize the voice and afterwards, you don’t need to type each single letter like before.
4. Understand the importance of some interventions against RSI
Now you should know about the therapies of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and how the medication is given. Mostly there are two kinds of therapies in use, being physical therapy and occupational therapy. A physical therapy can enhance and upgrade the body movements, which could result in minimizing the RSI. Moreover the physical therapy can be used to alleviate the symptoms, upon diagnosis.
5. Know the difference between physical and occupational therapies
However for someone, it is likely that both physical therapy and occupational therapy seem alike. But, since there are slight differences, you need to be able to understand which is which. Basically it is the occupational therapy which helps to enhance and maintain the abilities that are important to implement major functions of the body in order to live a better life with much comfort. Occupational therapy analyzes a person’s requisites and provides assistance in choosing best recommendation. Besides, occupational therapy employs a person to have regular exercises in pursuit of regaining health and movements.
6. Massage
It is also noticeable that there are a few alternatives for having the same consequence. Massaging your body deeply can also work, if done appropriately by a talented masseur. A deep body massage is what is required to prevent suffering from repetitive strain injury. After working with the computer for a whole day you should try to have a massage at least twice a week to avoid the suffering. The massage can be more effective as it can influence the soft tissues and boost your muscles to rejuvenate, thus dealing with the places where the pain comes from. In case, you opt for a massage, please make sure the masseur is an experienced person with accuracy.
7. Soft tissue therapy
Another option that can be useful is the soft tissue therapy, which functions by decompressing the area, dealt with the RSI. The advantage you get is that your blood circulation is increased so that it supports the healing process. Perhaps biofeedback can also be considered. Since biofeedback is a non-medical process involved with measuring a subject’s specific and quantifiable bodily functions, it is used to lessen the tension on your muscles.
8. Understand the art of Tai Chi
If you are aware of martial arts, you should know about Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a slow martial art that deals with smooth body movements according to a rhythm. The effect that Tai Chi has on curing the RSI is so dramatic and there are people who practice Tai Chi to avoid strains and they often meet with their goal, as they precisely follow the practice. Tai Chi enhances the body strength and you will gain an enormous amount of flexibility, if practiced properly.
9. Do some stretching
Plus, you should know that there are simple exercises that you can do, to avoid possible RSI. In almost all the exercises, stretching is a fundamental movement that you should do. To yield the best results, you should hold each stretch for about 20 seconds and do the same thing thrice. You should start with holding both of your hands in front of you and stretching them for few seconds. You can splay your fingers too, to get a gentle stretch. When you keep doing the exercises, you will naturally get much relaxation and pain will vanish.
10. Know how to prevent RSI
The prevention methods of RSI are very easy to implement. The way you sit in front of a computer has a lot to do with RSI and let’s go through the correct posture. The position should be semi-inclined while the forearms lie on an extension of the keyboard. There must be a good support for your back. Meantime, the hands should be free and point in the direction of forearms. The average distance from your body to the monitor, should be 18 inches. In addition, drink as much water as you need while at work with PC and try using as many short-cut keys as possible, so that mouse is used less often.
Now it’s the time you work out these tips in practical. Start by employing the techniques you learned to prevent and minimize the risk of being getting affected with RSI.