Useful Eye Care Tips for Computer Users at Home

Your eyes work for you from the time you wake up to the time you close them to go to the sleep. They gather loads of information from the world round you – colors, movements, shapes, sizes and many more. Then they transport the information to the brain for processing, so that the brain can calculate what’s going on around you. So, isn’t it the most wonderful gift. But many people neglect the importance of eye care. Here are some tips to take care of your eyes. These are very simple and natural tips to take care of your eyes.

Useful Tips for All

Place cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution for an hour on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes and relax. This will help in reducing burden on eyes and eye bun. In rose water mix 2-3 drops of castor oil and dip a pad of cotton and place them on eyelids for 15-20 minutes.


For reducing dark circles, grate 3 pieces of cucumber and squeeze them through a muslin cloth to extract its juice. Dip the cotton pad in this juice and place on eyelids and darkened areas. Relax for 15 minutes, this will help in reducing dark circles. For puffy eyes, grate raw potato and squeeze its juice through muslin cloth. Place them on eyes and relax or place cotton pads dipped in chilled milk (unboiled) on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Additional Tips for People Working on Computer

Blink eyes frequently. Generally, people working on computer tend to reduce the blink rate. This lead to dried eyes. Exercise your eyes at frequent intervals. Eye exercise means blinking eyes at several time, then close them and role clockwise and anticlockwise. Splash water at your face during breaks will really help you to be refresh. This are very simple and natural tips to reduce burden on your eyes.

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